Color Schemes of Logos


This logo uses the analogous colors of red and orange I think the company probably chose the colors because they give a sense of superiority, that would maybe catch the customers attention and draw them to their company and not others. 

The Subway logo uses the analogous colors of green and yellow, the company might have chosen those colors because they represent fresh products, and Subways catchphrase is "Eat fresh".


FedEx uses the complementary colors violet and orange. They might use those colors to give the company a sense of stability and safety so customers have more faith in them.

The colors violet and yellow are used by Taco Bell, again it might be to give themselves recognition of stability. 


The Lego Logo uses the warm colors of red and yellow, I think they might have done this to give customers a sense of joy.

This logo also uses the warm colors red and yellow, I think for the same reason. The colors give customers a sense of comfort and joy so they enjoy the food more.


Nasa's logo is the cool color blue with a stripe of red in the center. I think they used blue to enforce the idea that they are a wise and sophisticated agency. The red might be to state the power they have.

This logo used the cool color green. I think they used this color because it can represent energy and they are a coffee shop, which is meant to give you energy.


This logo used the monochromatic colors of blue, the bottom of the logo is more of a tinted blue and it turns into a shade of blue as it moves towards the top oft he logo. I think they used these tints and shades to show creativity as it is associated with music. 

This logo used all the colors of the rainbow and their tints and shades. I think they might have done this to give themselves a more optimistic look. 

Triad Color

This logo used the triad colors of red, blue, and yellow. I think it was to really represent the superhero as powerful and good.

 Jamba Juice uses the triad colors of purple, orange and green. This might have been to represent themselves as a bright, cheerful place.


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